Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Condensation Dance

   Had great weather for our weekend camp with the new Outwell Winnipeg.The tent stood us well it's very roomy very light.The canopy was a great area for cooking and sitting under as the night drew in.

The only issue was condensation in a morning.Not that it affected me, but hubby.Hubby always wakes first and is up and on it.This particular morning he wakes, exits the bed pod.Half asleep I lay motionless watching my half undressed hubby break into this crazy dance whilst unprintable words stream from his mouth.Trying not to laugh I ask" whats up"? To see my hubby toweling his naked top half down.With a grim look he starts inspecting the material above the bed pod and confirms "no leaks or tears ". I wriggle back into the warmth of the sleeping bag chuckling away that it was probably condensation."well that's no good I'm wet through"he cries.Seeing my chance I suggest a canvas tent as they don't suffer from condensation.

Snuggled up

Over breakfast I try to explain the differences between materials.Though I don't really need to he's now interested in canvas.B.S who we are camping with this weekend has a Cabanon Guadeloupe that he cherishes.B is very excited that we are now thinking about canvas,and hubby is engrossed deep in conversation with B for most of the morning.Examining the Guade I see for the first time why hubby is excited over material.It's a fantastic tent.

Cabanon Guadeloupe

Before lunch is upon us hubby has agreed I can purchase a canvas tent.

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